Thursday, 14 June 2012

Mother Monster

I wasn't always this way. A little monster that is. I used to be a music snob. I'm not afraid to say it. Though many of you probably still are. Turn your nose up at anything that's got main appeal. If it's played on commercial radio then you choose to look dumbfounded and say 'nope, never heard of it'. Well, I am a convert. At least for Gaga (RiRi, you're going to have to try harder).

I never really thought much about Gaga. And if I did it was something along the lines of 'attention-seeking', 'bad influence', 'distasteful', etc. Until I heard words of praise spoken about her by someone who I admire greatly, Stephen Fry.

Now what started out as your stock standard interview, by the end turned out to be a friendly conversation between two of my all time favourite people. She's more than the surface performance. She gets it. She's young. She's smart. She's creative. She's actually doing something positive for the world.

Her music makes a lot of people happy. Her theatrical performance, well it makes art and theatre accessible to millions. And then there's her 'Born This Way' message, which is an anti-bullying initiative in the US. She oozes love, acceptance, and dreams. If you really want to fall in love with Gaga watch her interview with Oprah. Two of the most influential women in the world. Using it for good.

Sorry if this is a bit too over the top on the Gaga praise. But after seeing her concert (a must, even if you're not the biggest fan of her music, go for the show... she came out on a horse. Worth the ticket price alone). And so last night I waved goodbye to any indie cred with my paw up, and just went Gaga.

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