Thursday, 12 April 2012

The Hungry Hippos Games

And so I did it. I bought into a franchise. Well, I mean I bought one ticket, once. And in all honesty, it wasn't bad. I should probably stress here that I haven't read the books. The only debrief I had before the film was 'yeah, kids like totes have to kill each other while people watch on TV, and the like last one alive totally wins for their district. It's amazeballs.' Yeah... thanks dude. 
Pretty Self Explanatory
Sure, there were parts missing, as is the case with all book adaptations. (So people tell me, I never read the books) But a stand alone film none the less. The next teen sensation? Equal to, or greater than Twilight? Honestly, I have no idea. I try keep out of all things 'tween'. But what's not debatable is its success.

But like all things media you know you're only a success if you have a parody. But you know you're really successful if that parody's on Saturday Night Live.. with Sofia Vergara. Unfortunately, since we live in Australia, which apparently isn't America, I can't find a video link that works. You'll just have to look at this still and imagine the rest.

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